Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Crazy few days

Wow, alright so this has been a crazy couple of days. The kind that never seem to end. It all began on Saturday, we were heading off for the flea market the next day so I had to go and around make sure everything was in the right box and that we had everything before we put it in the van. We spent the rest of the day trying to convince our children not to going around and spending their money before we even left the building.
   On Sunday we were awake extremely early for us and off to the flea market we headed. Before we are even able to get our boxes loaded off the trolley and onto the table, a swarm of vultures was aimed straight for us. Before I could even turn around other venders there that day had completely crowded us. They were in this box, pulling things out of that box all the while I had what sounded like 50 people at my side screaming what do you want for this? I swear all my best items were sold than in the middle of the furry and the worst part is I was so damn flustered and completely not ready that most of the stuff ended up being sold for much less than I had wanted or even what they were worth.
   Despite the rough and extremely hectic morning the flea market turned out to be somewhat I success, the kids were happy and I guess at the end of the day that’s all that matters. Of course living where we live whenever there is a large crowd of people the 50/50 tickets are brought out and most of the time we hear of a new draw, like the winner gets tickets to a local game or movie, but it’s not too often you hear of them changing how the winner is decided.
   This year we did not enter the regular 50/50 draw, instead we joined Bessy’s lottery. What is Bessy’s lottery? Well I’ll tell you. Bessy is a cow that lives here on Cape Breton Island. Anyway, once a year they keep Bessy in the born long enough to clean all the cow patties from her field than with that done they divide the field into a grid, each grid has a number and if the cow does its business in your numbered grid than you when close to $6,000. My husband of course had to enter “How can I not if there is one lottery I have a shot at winning at it has to be one that I get shit on.” He says. Sadly we did not win, but all the proceeds from this draw went into a scholarship fund and every year they hand a couple lucky students a scholarship. We did not win, the draw was on Sunday and we haven’t heard anything so we lost oh well, am so happy that it’ll be at least another year before I am at the flea market with a table of my own.
   After an exhausting day Sunday I was looking forward to having a relaxing Monday, but of course that would not be the case. Recently we discovered a flea on one of our cats, great fleas just what we need. Off to the vet we headed we purchased the flea stuff that goes on the back of the neck for all 5 of our animals, a small fortune, but well worth we thought. We have 2 dogs 2 cats and a new kitten. After a week we noticed that the flea stuff we have already given them wasn’t working because they still had the horrible little creatures crawling all over them. At the pet store we bought flea shampoo safe for cats and dogs, the good thing about this was that we could apply it to the animal while they were dry eliminating having to torture our animals any more than they needed to be.
   I sure didn’t realize what a big job this was until after we had already gotten started, and once you start you can’t stop. First we had to get our son’s room completely cleaned out, bed sheets, dirty cloth’s, vacuum the floor and spray the room down with the flea killing solution. Once this was done I hurriedly began the next load of laundry. The day began around 10 am and we didn’t stop again until nearly 9 o’clock that night. We had stripped every bed, washed every and all pieces of fabric possible swept and vacuumed the floors countless times and in between all this took one animal at a time and applied more than enough of the stuff to kill any and all flea’s. Needless to say it was very long, back breaking hard work, but I am now happy to report that we have officially gotten rid of all our flea’s and are completely flea free once again….
   It takes a few days to recover after surviving the past couple of days, hopefully I’ll have something more interesting to say tomorrow. For now I am off to bed.
Nighty night

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