Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Truth needs to be told...

   I was gone for a week camping and this is what I came home to, man I really wish we could have stayed out there.   
   This is a message I received from my sister Natasha, i am only posting it to point out the lies and tell the truth...
Hey everyone out there I feel as if I need to tell the truth about my I have a sis and she started a blog about someone elses life...she is changing her story first her father who I grow up with.. and is the nicest guy u could meet.. but my dad isn't.. as she put the one thing that is some what true..he did like to hit us...but not the way she tells it..but back to her..she said her dad malasted her...and that was the only one...and now she is say he raped her as well as other ppl in the family and someone else molasted if it happen.. its is and would be the hardest thing to talk about and embarrassing to tell ppl.. but not her... she is open about it... and no charges were brought... cuz she wouldn't take a poly graph text or hipnooses... she wouldn't take it but her father wanted to... cuz she might have put his face on the guy who really did it..but no...this started when she was 16teen and wanted to go to a concert with her dad and his friends...but he said no to may older men would be there... she go so mad...and then this started...and my mom alway put her kim almost everything for us..and before all this started kim always had up pics that kim took off of Facebook.. all the food, gifts, TVs, beds, lots of money and ect...she spoiled her grandkids...this girl kim had a big sweet six party my mom rented a hall for her and here no parent is perfact they do make mistakes...but they were nothing as kim mom was a great mom and stil is.. Kim is Lying and trying to hurt ppl..then u get some ppl who believe her.. she never meet or no her..all the family on both sides stop talking to her... and friends of the family that have known kim since she was a little girl...and talking to her kids about all this and her little bro as well... they have nothing to do with it..but she pushes them to cuting and pasting messages ppl send kim...saying they are bullying kim..which is not true..she write lies about us and we are not to say a thing.. well she bullus us on computer for the HOLE WORD to see..I have a life and a good one and don't need this shit..if it was true not so bad but again why does it need to be on the internet..if she has thses friend and family talk or write to them..and she has no proof but we do..and everyone on both sides have the same what we are all wrong and she is the only one that's right...come on now..the family is looking to Charge kim..and for my mom she was very easy to talk to and wouldn't Let nothing happen to us..alway stands up for us...and always having are mother wouldn't let that has lots of problems..and u don't like ur family or got problem this isn't the way a grownup does well as the reason we went to so many schools is cuz kids picking on kim and she didn't like the teachers..that's why we went to so many lots more to say but got to well as the family u are all welcome to come on here and talk the truth and only the truth... about Kimberly..will post what she won't..its open here..and kim u started this remember that when u say ppl are bullying u..
   In the first line Natasha says that she grew up with my "father", how can that be if I am older and the man that raised us was her father, my step-father? My "mother" and step father got together when I was only a baby, in the early years I barely seen my "father". I started going for weekends with him when i was just 4 yrs old and that man never even stayed a night in what ever place we were living at, at that time. Natasha doesn't even know my "father" she only came a couple times for weekend visited with me when her father refused to come and pick her up. My step father beat us pretty bad with belts, whips and whatever else he could get his hands on, it's the reason that I still don't know my multiplication tables, because I was beat with the belt when ever i got an answer wrong.
   My story has never changed, my "father" DID rape me for years. At the age of 12 I was molested again while my "mother" left us with a sitter so she could go out bar hopping. I was again molested  another time when I was 14 yrs old and again at 15 yrs old.

   I have absolutely know idea what concert she is talking about. The only concert I remember him going to was a pink Floyd concert when I was 14 years old. I didn't even like them at the time. I loved country music.
   As for being open about all the abuse I suffered, it has taken me years to get to this point, and even though I am embarrassed that it happened, it was not my fault. I was only a little kid. Through counseling I have learned that by being more open about this takes the shame and blame away from me and puts in back on the adults who were supposed to be watching me. Over the years many many people have written books and blogs about surviving being raped. It is completely normal for me to want to get it off my chest and stop hiding, it happened but I am dealing with it.
   As for taking pictures down off face book I have done no such thing. They can't see the pictures because I have them blocked from my face book. Yes it is true that my "mother" has given us Crisco orders for Christmas, it was a gift, and yes this year while she was down she bought a television because she wasn't able to watch what she wanted on our crappy television. It was a gift, but it was a gift for her, she was only here for a couple of weeks and she spent that whole time in front of the television telling her grand kids to shut up she couldn't hear the television.
   I am the one bullying??? Really I was just going on with my life, writing and raising my family. They came after me. I am only posting this to defend myself. Yes I went to many schools, but if all the changing schools was because of kids picking on me than why was it when I finally made friends in grade 8 did we have to move again?
Trust me god wouldn't want nothing to do with her...u no she can talk to sprites they stay with her and talk to her...and they even told her about government Stuff she call them to tell them stuff..she is off her rocker..the hole family on both sides don't want nothing to do with her..but its all of us not her rite... ur story is some ppl believe.. They don't no if what their reading is telling the truth..she is not an only child but her other kids don't no where she is getting all this.. and for her bro he wasn't around and he is only listening to her side
that's ok he can stay with her...
   I have never made a secret about being able to speak to spirits. In fact I wrote a short autobiography about it called "My Story" and it can be found on As for the goverment stuff I think they are mad because I claimed my brother on our taxes, he has been living here since September of 2011. I wasn't going to claim him, but when she stopped sending me the child support that she is recieving from his father, I had no choice. All this started when my "mother" called on January 30 to tell me I was making Cody study to hard for exams. Now Cody came to live with me because she couldn't handle the abuse anymore and rapidly grew out of hand for my "mother" or sister to look after. I got gaurdianship of him because the Childrens Aid Society of Ontario was getting ready to take my brother and perminently place him in foster care.
   My "mother" is also upset that I am recieving the baby bonus for Cody and my husband is claiming him on C.P.P and that means that she can't lie to the goverment no more. They know that Cody is living in Nova Scotia with us and not in Ontario with her.
   As for telling my brother things about the family, i refuse to tell him. I tell him that he needs to decide for himself, not once have I stopped him from calling his "mother", but his cousillor has told him NOT to have any contact with her because all she does is start trouble. I think they are most mad about how well Cody is doing. He went from barely going to school and in and out of group home and even jail on bogus charges that his mother and sister laid on him. Cody is now a B average student in school, he goes to counsilling and I must say that I haven't had any problems with him, he is turning into a great young man.
Not even close..we have the proof u don't we can show and tell can u that's rite u don't it ant true I guess u will find out the hard was..and no book company will touch u with a 10 foot pole..u need the evidence and u got none cuz it didn't happen to u..I see ur just trying tk sell a book..ur a fake..u weren't even born in mississauga it was Toronto and u never live in etobicoke or Barry.and if u go back to begong of ur blog and other parts u will see her changing her story...and ur the one crying to ur kids and little bro getting him to disrespect his family by cusing them about u being bukkyed and the way u grow up...he wasn't even born then...he was born in 1996 and kim was born 1971..she tell him thing that aren't true he has no part in this seeing how he wasn't even born..
   I would love to see what proof they have? As far as book company's go, I have publisher's in contact with me everyday wanting to know about the progress of my autobiography. Not once did I claim to live in Barrie or Etobicoke. As far as letting my brother disrespect his family well I can't stop him especially when we have had the cops here 2 times because he refuses to call her. If your mother called the cops on you would you have anything nice to say to them?
   Cody was born in 1996 I moved out in 1997. Cody came to live with me in September of 2011, I seen Cody maybe 3 times before he moved here. I believe his "mother" and sister (who tried to tell Cody she was his father) has told them lies about me for as long as he can remember.
   I am 33 years old my birthday is May 17 1979. I have nothing to hide, and have the proof to back up what I am saying. These people who know me so well don't even know the year I was born in...
Hows that for a loving and caring "mother"? 
   As far as her grandkids go, she can send them cards in the mail, and before she could have called to talk to them anytime, but after her very long stay here at Christmas and getting to see their real "grandmother" they don't want nothing to do with her.
   For years I worked on having a relationship with my "mother" just so my kids would have a grandparent, but after they were mistreated by her I can't blame them for not wanting nothing to do with her. In fact for the last 2 weeks she was here my 10 year old son refused to have anything to do with her.
   This is another reason I started going to counsilling because I feel guilty for letting her in my house and around my children. I feel guilty that she has hurt them the same way she hurt me.
   Now this is the only thing she can do to us, make her daughter send me these messages. What a great family....   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is good you are being brave about your life. This helps others to be brave with theirs.