Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This is how supportive my "blood family" is...

   These are the comments I have recieved about my blog and e-mails about writing my autobioghraphy......

 I don't like profanity on my wall....I have no objection to Kim writing her long as she keeps to the facts of herself......if she wants to wreck reputations that becomes a criminal matter....and she stands to be exposed as a liar and a fraud and unfit to parent...she is the one who was offered an opportunity to have hypnosis,or a lie detecter test...and would have had the backing of everyone if she had co operated...she refused.She does a grave injustice to true victims of sexual abuse....and she is the one that has no self respect....she has embarressed me on facebook for the last time.It'ds being reported....and I suggest you call your mom....

This one was posted on facebook by an aunt of mine....She posted this on my brother's wall.
It is a proven fact that most survivor's of child rape block their experiances from their minds and don't remember until years later....

you sick bitch, you need to get a life of your own, continue this shit and i'll sue you. you want a fight?? bring it bitch. on To whom it may concern
on 6/18/12

I know who you are greeneyes 31!

I think your the one on crack and I know of who you speak! What is this all hearsay for you? These children and mother I am very close with!! and know for fact that this bullshit is untrue. Its people and family like you that makes the world go round, dispicable people are the ones that find pleasure in making other peoples day harder. Words are word and I am not able to pyiscially find you.. But I so wish I could! on To whom it may concern
on 6/19/12

You're not fooling me. I also know who you are...
I sent her my address.........

you have never worked a day in your life so I think and so does other you need to shut the fuck up you have no idea what you talking about!!!! Why don't you try and work there is nothing stopping you but u think everyone and the government owe you and they are the ones supporting ur kids....Mom is the one who got you guys the money from the government well more money...Just to let you no everything I send you I keep and send to everyone...that means the two ppl on this site too... on Help the sick and injured
on 6/19/12

Same goes for you "Jessica" I am not stupid.....I am raising two children, and raising my little brother who my mother refuses to look after or pay the child support she is collecting to help in the cost of raising him....
And any mother out there would say that raising a family IS A FULL TIME JOB!
I wasn't the one I wrote this about. It was about my husband of 17 years who was forced to stop working due to an injury.........

U need to watch out their is a reason why she has no friends or family in her life anymore...she is a lair she has been her hole life and she has been in therapy from the time she was 5 to an adult....she has been very well looked after wanting for nothing....she has a handicap in her hole left side...Now she had to go through a lot of physical therapy had to take off a lot of school...I no cuz I took off to the park one time when I wanted my mom to take me with them...and if wasn't care for someone would has none and she wouldn't have been to all the therapist..both sides of the family sued both doctor for what did and was always around helping her....I took the back set burner everything was about kim but I wouldn't change that for the world it helped...and by the way u can't bring man around her she is always asking for sex don't care who is around why some of don't talk to her....when she was 16 teen she started seeing my moms ex-boyfriend be-hide everyone's back he was 43 yrs. He on Family
on 6/19/12

Yes it is true that was in therapy from the age of 5 to 17 years old, but most people would if they woke up one day disabled because of an incompedent doctor.

This is an email from a cousin.....

Listen you sick, delusional, psychotic crazy bitch.  You need to stop with the drama and the bullshit.  You know damn well that your father never did anything to you.  You are a money hungry, ungrateful daughter/ person.  You suck the life out of everyone around you which is why you are alone and your husband has a young thing preggo. Hahahaha , good luck with that!

You need to remove that blog about your father and the one of me bitch.   You need to pay attention to your own attention starved children and remain gone from our lives.  You need to disappear.  You hate the gallants so much.. good, we are not that fond of you either, in fact I am ashamed to admit that you are somehow related to me.

Instead of going and looking for trouble, try and find some happiness in your pathetic life.  Forget we exist, as you are already forgotten to us.
Same cousin sent me this to...

you are nothing but a liar.  You are delusional and lies like this are called slander.  You have always created more drama then necessary, and i noticed your new post.  If your family is who you make it, fine.. good and dandy.  Stop being a bitch and spreading lies, or better yet go get lost in the woods somewhere
Again the same cousin sent this to me.....

your father is nothing more then a wonderful man who always tried to do right by you.  You are an ungrateful, money hungry, sorry excuse for a daughter.  He deserved so much better then you for a daughter, no worries though, my children and I love him very much and cherish every moment we get to see him.

Wouldn't you love to have a family like mine LOL, they are just so sweet aren't they.........
I didn't fix spelling or grammer because I didn't want to mess with what they were saying...............
From now on all their comments will be posted...
Hope you enjoy...


RaeBeth McGee-Buda said...

It seems that several of these people need a lesson in grammar and spelling. I know what it's like to have something like this done and no one has your back. Kimberly I have yours. In all honesty, when people say things about me like that... it only makes me drive harder at what I do. Just remember if you substitute the real names for "pen names" you can't and won't get into trouble by law. If you do use their real names it's grounds for a lawsuit under slander. Just wanted to throw that out there to you. Don't want to see you try to do a good thing and end up back firing. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to read the story behind such a great person.

Anonymous said...

with every true story there are 3 sides.. including the truth. She has not learned the meaning of that word.

Unknown said...

nice way to leave out what I was saying bitch, if you are going to quote me then do it right. you left this one out bitch

It wasn't a threat, not at all just telling you to back off and stop spreading lies. Also as far as giving you proof... how the hell did you get that from what i said?? show's how you twist things around. I thought the cops told you to stop with the lies.

As we get older we do soul searching, it's not our fault you don't like what you see in yourself, in fact it is in question...

This is from greeneyes_31

Anonymous said...

just to let you know, i don't mind you quoting me, just don't copy and paste it. Don't leave out any details to make yourself look better.

Unknown said...

The comment above was from greeneyes_31..
And by the way all I did was copied and pasted what you sent me. How could I leave anything out LOL

Anonymous said...

omg are you that stupid?!?!? you can paste and edit things idiot. Wait, that's right, you wouldn't know grade 3 grammar let alone how adults speak

and you did leave out some things, no worries I can make a blog as well :) I still have everything in the original format

Unknown said...

Another great comment from greeneyes_31.......

deleted my last post?? here it is again

It wasn't a threat, not at all just telling you to back off and stop spreading lies. Also as far as giving you proof... how the hell did you get that from what i said?? show's how you twist things around. I thought the cops told you to stop with the lies.

As we get older we do soul searching, it's not our fault you don't like what you see in yourself, in fact it is in question whether you have a soul or not. If you are going to continue to make false...

Unknown said...

Another great comment from greeneyes_31..
You should also let your new "google" friends know why you don't have any friends now. You are a taker.... you take until everybody is drained. You tell lies to get ahead and don't care what your actions might do to other people, as long as you gain from it right kimmy?? Well you've gone to far now, and I am going to make sure ppl know what you are about. You are a liar. I would say your posts are great fiction, however they are so poorly written I couldn't get through all of them.. sorry...