Saturday, August 20, 2011

To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern
I was wondering what it takes for Children's Aid to do something about a
child in danger. As far as i can tell it will have to be the loss of a life
before they do anything. Recently Children's Aid was called on a mother who
is mentally abussing her kids and they won't step in. The mother is on drugs
has partys all the time and forces her children to watch pornograghy.
Multiple family members have called with concerns about this family and the
children are still there. If we are supposed to teach our children that if
they are in danger they should tell someone they trust. In this case one of
the kids went to the principal of her school and told her about the abuse
going on at home and also said very plainly that she was afraid to go home,
the sick part is instead of taking the child to a place where she felt safe,
children's aid told the mother what her child said and was sent home. now this girl more afraid than ever to speak.
Please send this to everyone you know

This is the blog that greeneyes_31 is so upset about....
I ask you where in this blog does it say I was taking about a family member. I could have taken this story out of a news paper or from a television news report.......
I wonder why she thinks its about her!

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