Monday, August 15, 2011

The Camping life

    I just got back from the best vacation I have ever had. My husband 2 kids and I hiked out to a great camping spot and spent 2 days surrounded by the sun, surf and unfortunately the jelly fish.
    We began our trip early Friday morning. Pilled everything we needed into the van and drove the 5 minutes to reach our destination. With the van in park and packs on everybody we headed out. Both Dustin age 10 and Cassandra age 8 carried nearly what they weigh for the entire 3 km hike out to our favorite point. Although we have made countless day trips out there this was the first overnight trip, our packs were made heavy by the extra water and food we had to carry. Our 2 dogs also made the trip and enjoyed themselves although next year I am determined to get a couple doggy saddles so that they can help carry what they need. As Dustin pointed out they have four legs and we have 2 lol.
   Once we hiked out and got everything set up the real fun began. Despite being in complete and total fog during our hike and first day out there I couldn’t have asked for anything better. The kids got along, shared everything, and did everything they could think of to help out, but I love the way they treated each other. It was the first time in months that they went a full 3 days without fighting.
   Instead of fighting our kids spent the whole trip hiking, poking at jelly fish, and making a large table.
   I think what I like best about camping, is the fact that the rest of the world seems to no longer exist. You’re out in the middle of nowhere not a soul to be seen, and if you are as lucky as I am you get to spend time alone with the best people in the world. Out in the middle of nowhere life is simple, food, shelter and water that are all that matters. There is none of this trying to keep up with the joneses stuff. And a few raggedy pieces of drift wood turn into the fanciest of coffee tables and where we all get along. I love the fact that we had no television, phones, video games or even any form of music.
   Saturday night we sat in front of our tents. With the Atlantic Ocean on both sides of us, we watched in amazement as to the Sun set to our left, and a full moon rose to our right. Perfect we thought life can get no better. Without the distractions of modern day life getting in the way I can sit here and honestly say that during our camping trip I learned much more about my children than I have the last 2 months of summer vacation. We all had to work as a team to make it out there and had to stay working like a team for the entire trip. It’s the only way to go, camping you needs the help of others and everyone shares. Many lesson’s can be learned from a camping trip and I believe that if the entire world were forced to go on a trip like the one I was just on then the world would end up being a much better place. I can’t wait for next year so that we can do it all again. Nothing beats spending undisrtacticting time with your family. It’s a great way to reconnect with one other and make your family foundation that much stronger.
   As I said earlier it was the best time of my life.

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