Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The yard sale

   Yes, it’s that time of year again.
   Yard Sale season. The time of year when most Mother’s and house wife’s or Dad’s haul out all their junk they have been collecting to earn a little extra dough. You know the saying somebody’s trash is another person’s treasure.
   Because we live in the country a yard sale isn’t the best way to go about it, so instead we head of to the local flea market. We rent our table and sell our things.
   Now my kids are more than generous, don’t get me wrong, on many occasions they have donated toys to the hospital, woman’s shelter’s and value village without a single complaint. They did it very happily, but we usually donated whenever the kids out grew something so that it was almost immediately out of the house, but just in the past couple years they have been wanting to go to the flea market. That way the money they raised from selling their old toys (Which by the way are very well taken care of) could go towards doing things during the summer they want to do, like going to the carnival, store or just to have.
   The problem however is not the storing, but when I actually book the tables and have a date. In the storage room I go and haul out all the things throughout the year the stuff we don’t want anymore.
   I bring it all out and begin the long cleaning process. Anyway upon getting everything cleaned and somewhat organized in boxes, girl stuff, boy stuff, kitchen stuff, odds and ends, is when the trouble begins.
   The kids come running into the room and see boxes filled with shinny toys. At once they HAVE to check it out. Going through the boxes they find things and get made “What why are we selling this? I love it.” they cry despite the fact that they handed it to you just a few months earlier, and it’s the toy you had been waiting forever to get rid of because whether it’s on or off every time you pass it the toy makes it’s annoying noise and makes you nearly jump out of your own skin.
   The next thing you know have of what you had in boxes lands back into the rooms and how can you fight them it is after all theirs right? Then in walks you significant other and they to feel the need to go through everything. “Why are you selling this? It can be useful.” They say regardless that before it landed in the box for the flea market it spent three years in a cupboard in the kitchen never being used.
   Before you even leave the house you have already gave back nearly half of what you had been waiting all year to get rid of. Well at least half of it is going that at least makes me happy. It just really gets under my skin when I do all this work get everything ready just to have it returned to the stuffed room it came out of.
   Most years we do sell over 95% of what we bring but then the husband or kids decide to walk around the flea market, just to see what there is and before you know it they have gone out and bought more junk to replace what we just got rid of…
   I JUST LOVE FLEA MARKET’S as long as I’m not trying to sell anything and have a ton of room to bring home what you know will end up in the trunk of your vehicle by the end of the day.

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