Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Visit

   When you go to the Dr.’s office you expect to wait at least a little while right? 15 maybe 20 minutes before you get into one of the exam rooms than what usually another 10 minutes before the Dr. actually enters the room. On a good day let’s say the total time spent at the Dr.’s office is almost an hour. Not too bad, I think an hour out of the day. Anyone can handle that right?
   Normally the office has a side table full of out dated magazines and a few children’s book.  That at least is what I am use to. You know the routine sit down get comfortable and try to read an article or two from a magazine that you care absolutely nothing about. This is what I expected our first visit in the new Dr.’s office to be like, but instead of magazines on a stand we found novels. Yes my friend that’s right novels. Thinking it was a joke I sat down only to sadly find out that the novels were needed. It actually is an outrageous amount of time to spend waiting for a 3 minute visit.
   But what if you enter the office, your first time seeing a new Dr. Of course your nervous, you don’t know this Dr. and they don’t know you yet here you are in the office with your health at their hands. Around the waiting room you begin looking, hoping to find some clue as to how the Dr. is based on the patients they see. At least that’s what I do, but the waiting room; regardless of where you are in the world all seem to be the same.
   As I look around what I saw the same thing that I see in every Dr.’s office. First you’ve got the old couple, they sit closest to the door to make sure they see you as you walk in, than they spend the entire time starring you down like you just stole their last $20. Then you have the couple that talk so loud I’m positive people outside can hear them and by the time they are called into an exam room you already know their entire history, how they met, who their related to, what they like and what they like and don’t like. Then you have the people who weigh triple what a normal person weighs. Now don’t get me wrong I have nothing against overweight people, but if you are overweight than the least you could do is where some cloths. There is always that one person who shouldn’t be but of course is wearing the smallest possible pair of shorts they can find to go along with the skimpiest shirt they can find. Are you for real? Please I really don’t want to be able to make out every roll on someone’s body. People really need to learn what acceptable attire for the public is. My favorite people in the office are the ones who are convinced they’re your friend despite the fact you have never seen them before, but that doesn’t stop them they just continue speaking. They tell you why they are there and the next thing you know you know their entire medical history than if there is still time out with the wallet they bring out and have to show you all their pictures of everybody they know.
   Now I don’t know about you, but when it comes to having to go to the Dr.’s office I would much rather be left alone, because aside from your own problems that brought me there in the first place the office also has its own distinct things wrong with it that you have to somehow learn to deal with.
   The sterile smell that always seems to be the same in every office. That same smell that guaranties if you weren’t feeling sick when you first got there you sure did by the time you left. If that’s not bad enough you already feel sick, yet somehow some way the office makes you more tired annoyed and feeling worse.
   Can somebody please explain to me why with all the technologies we have today why we can’t make the Dr.’s office a place you want to visit instead of a place to be afraid of and dread knowing that you have to go. Come on people it can’t be that hard to make a Dr.’s office inviting. Maybe even inviting???
Is it that hard??

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