Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Go get lost in the woods"

     “Go get lost in the woods”
   Go get lost in the woods, is a piece of advice I received from an extremely unwanted source. As people who have been keeping up with my blog know that my last few blog's quickly became over run with horrible comment's. I said that I would put the blog aside for awhile, but I enjoy writing it too much to stop, and why should I stop?
Writing is what I love to do.
   On a recent post someone told me to “go get lost in the woods” and as much as I love writing, I didn't realize that I needed a break, a change of scenery is just what the Dr. ordered. Friday after school we told the kids we were hiking on the next day and right away they got to work. They made themselves a lunch and prepared their packs for our long hike.
   Normally our hiking trips take us to one of our favorite places Baliene, but due to heavy fog on the coast we had to change our plan's. Instead of the coast and the Ocean, we made our way closer inland. Down a dirt road through the middle of the woods we drove our van, we parked in a small space just off the beaten four wheeler track. We lifted our packs on our shoulder's and headed for a day long adventure. Immediately the dogs scoured the area and the kids were off. Tim and I hiked hand in hand, listening to the birds chirping, chipmunks chattering and the laughter of our two children and my teenage brother as they played games along the way.
   Everything was right with the world. We were living in the moment.
   Just down the dirt trail we were following we just happened to stumble upon a lake. Right away we found a smaller path that went to the left of the lake, into the path we went, the bush's were grown in so we pulled out our clipper's and very quickly found the perfect spot for a perfect day. In front of us we had a small lake and although there were a few bushes in the way, the dogs quickly trampled them down. The lake looks great for both fishing and swimming. We had our fire pit in the middle of the woods and to our backs had a huge deep slopping hill. The hill offered tree's for the kids to climb, and paths for the dogs to run through. This is the perfect spot.
   We had been racking our brains trying to think of a great place to take off camping for at least a week, and we weren't having any luck, that is until we “got lost in the woods.” this place has everything we need, a place to pitch our tents, a fire pit we made while we were there and as a bonus there are a lot of tree's that are died and just lying on the ground. This makes it good for building, nothing in camping beats being able build what you need. In this place we'll be able to build counter's, tables, and what ever else the kids can imagine. The small piece of beach is also just the right size to launch our very small boat.
   While out there I took time to think and reflect. It has finally occurred to me that the people who matter the most are the ones who live in this house. On our hike we never take any comforts from home, no video games, MP3 player's, I pods, or any other small device that connects us with the outside world. In doing so the children speak more and learn lots. It's a great way to connect with each other away from all the distractions. We do however bring along a cell phone, just in case and that is kept in a pack and shut off.
My favorite part of our hiking days, is just how quickly we're able to escape all the nasty things of this world and take stock about what really is important. Outside and in the woods, the kids get along and work together as a team as they try to make and build things for our camp site. Tim and I get time together and everyone is happy just to be together.
   In short despite the fact that I received the advice “go get lost in the woods” came from somebody I don't care to associate with or even talk to was right about one thing. I desperately needed a vacation and even though it was only for one day, we found the perfect place for camping, I was able to take my mind off of the computer and get back to whats really important.
   And now that I have had that time away I am now more prepared to get back to what I love, writing and I can do it with much more focus. Now more than ever I feel as if I am doing the right thing. My story will be told and no one will stop me, but I also learned how to tune out the unwanted crap that occasionally spills into my life.
With summer just around the corner I can't wait to start having summer fun. I now feel as though my autobiography is flowing a lot more easier and figured out that when it comes down to it everyone needs a break once in awhile, even if its just for a day.....
   On with the writing nothing is going to stop me now.
   And to that person who gave the unwanted advice I say: Thank you, now I am more focused than ever on my writing my story...
   Another piece of advice to the people who are trying to stop me, take your own advice and go get lost in the woods

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